Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Choice of Cutting The Chemicals; Young Living Essential OilIntroduction


Today I am going to write about a major change I have made in my life. Throughout the last few years or so, I have been opening my eyes not only to what I put into my body but what I put on my body. To be honest, I've always been more aware of what I put on my body as far as lotions, make up,  deodorant, etc and what I put into my body as far as medication, pure vitamins even more than what types of healthy foods I put into my body. I use very little make up, lotions, perfumes, hair dye, cough medicine, over the counter anything, or even headache medicine.

 Ever since 2011 when I was  around my godson daily (with his compromised immune system) I have been taking daily vitamins to keep my body and immune system up. It's also because of this reason (and my work with small children) that I am a germ battling queen. I think this life style has been a great beginning to introducing oils into my life.

Before I moved to Hawaii and was spared from winter, my skin was in a constant state of dryness. I remember trying to fall asleep in those winter months and scratching my skin like crazy until I fell asleep. After trying what seemed like a hundred types of lotions, I settled on coconut oil. To this day, I still use coconut oil every single day. I sing of it's many praises. This past summer I had the pleasure of meeting a woman whom I call my Oil Guru. She was telling stories of the many ailments that essential oils have helped her with throughout her past three years of using. Anything from sleeping issues to arthritis pains, infections to cognitive ailments. I have never in my life met a person who knows their body as well as she. I was instantly inspired by the purity of Young Living essential oils and all of the wonderful health benefits they bring. Up until that point I had heard of essential oils but thought that they were only a spiritual thing for meditation or massages. My Guru gave me a pocket guide to Young Living Essential Oils and a sample of 'Purifcation' to help with a swollen ant bite the size of a half dollar that I had on my leg. After a few weeks of reading the pocket guide and reading all of the types of oils, their benefits, and what oils to use for what, I was hooked.  It's an investment and I was apprehensive to spend so much money and to commit myself to something I had no idea that I would enjoy and continue to use. In November 2014 I purchased my starter kit and signed up as a whole sale member with Young Living Essential Oils. I can honestly say that I am an oil addict and I have never felt better.

Along with my oils I've been learning all about the ingredients inside of my food. I have always been an active person whose always maintained a majority healthy diet. Just like anyone else, I splurge on sugary junk food, beer, wine, etc.
One of my awesome friends who shares a similar clean eats and oil  lifestyle, introduced me to Vani Hari, The Food Babe. She is a food activist who is taking America's food industry by storm. Backed with her ever growing Food Babe Army, she exposes the dirty ingredients stocked on our food shelves. Her research on her blog is mind blowing. What's even more mind blowing is what chemicals we keep putting into our bodies through the "food" in our grocery stores. Vani helps the average person decipher what food is actually healthy food and what is full of chemicals and other toxins. She targets chemical ridden companies/ foods and casts a light to show the world exactly what these companies are feeding us. She blogs her findings and The Food Babe Army fights for changes. It's really incredible, life changing work. So many companies are changing for the better which makes Americans eat less cancer causing chemicals. 

If you follow my personal Instagram or my facebook you've already seen my oil addictions flourishing right next to my strive for an organic and chemical lite life. I'm pretty sure you've even rolled your eyes at me during discussions in person or from my passionate posts about this lifestyle and the anti GMO campaigns. I really just want to spread my aloha and my knowledge.  I don't want to sell you anything. I don't want to clog up your news feeds with oils and chemical rants. This is not the latest beauty product, wrap thing, or fad diet. This is a lifestyle. I want to give you my newfound knowledge and these tools that I use that make me feel so good. I want you to be the best you that you can be. I want you to know the truth about the fuel you are putting into and on your body and to help you really learn about the natural functions of your body and how these chemicals screw it all up. Please check out Vani's website ( and or 'The Food Babe Way' book) and the Young Living website ( ) and soak in the knowledge and use them as tools. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have and remember that I am still learning this lifestyle too. I've been living it for 6 months and I'm never looking back. 

Sending you all my aloha and thanks,


** Should you want to look deeper into the YL Essential Oils I'd be happy to sponsor you in becoming a wholesale member so you can get all of the discounts and assist you in choosing the best starter kit for you and your family. My member number is 2205342 and you can reach me on any social media site or message me privately. 

** This post is strictly my opinion. My only goal is to promote a healthier you with products that work for me.

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